
Running 21K for CasaOz


CasaOz is a great charity that helps children who are ill and their families. This year, to match the dedicated efforts of the amazing team of volunteers and educators who work with the children, I'm going to run the 21k! The money I raise will help CasaOz to offer even more children the possibility to do sporting activities with experts. Whether it's swimming, football, skateboarding or basketball (to name just a few), the kids get a huge benefit from the fun, dynamic and stimulating activities - and it's all focused on what they can do and not what they can't do. 

Please support me with a donation, as generous as possible. Your help will make a huge difference. THANK YOU!!


Di nuovo, corro per CasaOz, ma questa volta corro la 21km!! I ragazzi a CasaOz affrontano ogni giorno la malattia e vorrei aiutarli ad esprimersi e mettersi in gioco attraverso diversi sport come nuoto, calcio, basket e pattinaggio. Vi chiedo di aiutarmi con una donazione generoso per fare una differenza enorme alla vita quotidianità di questi ragazzi. GRAZIE MILLE!!!!

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