
Do Torina za budućnost - fff Serbia


*English below

Evropski FFF sastanak i Klimatski socijalni kamp su sve bliže i sada nam treba vaša pomoć više nego ikad.

Kao što se zna, događaj je većinom besplatan i zbog toga postoje mnogi troškovi koje treba pokriti: tende, bine, razne potrebne usluge, potrebe gostiju, organizovanje debata, putni troškovi, hrana... Ukratko, potrebna nam je akcija.

Zašto je ovo bitno?

Kamp pruža priliku svakome da se uključi u različite aktivnosti koje se tiču klimatske krize, ekologije, protestovanja, političkog aktivizma...

Time će sve više ljudi naučiti kako da pomognu sprečavanju klimatske krize i ljudima koje su klimatske promene već zahvatile.

Bili bismo vam večno zahvalni za makar malu donaciju - ko koliko može ili podelili linkove, kako bi kamp ostao besplatan i samim ti dostupan većem broju ljudi.

Puno pozdrava od FFF Srbije!

The FFF European Meeting and Climate Social Camp days are getting closer, and now more than never we need your help!

As you know, the event will be mostly free, but a lot of expenses are expected: from the costs of the marquees and stages to those for guests at discussions and debates, from the costs of the services and the delegate travels to food supplies in advance. In short, we need to take action.

Why is this important to us?

Climate social camp will offer everyone to join the debates, discussions, presentations and more regarding the topic of climate crisis, activism, politics and protesting.

That way more people will learn how to help solving the climate crisis and people who are already affected by it.

We will be more than thankful if you could support the camp even with the small donation or sharing this fundraiser, so the camp could stay free and therefor more affordable to everyone who might want to join.

Best wishes from the FFF Serbia team!

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