
Scuola nel villaggio di Katang Xieng


"Ink for Charity" è un’associazione di volontariato internazionale che si propone di realizzare progetti e collaborazioni in alcune realtà locali nei paesi del terzo mondo. Da quest’anno collaboreremo con Steve Rudledge Presidente dell’Associazione canadese «Adopt a Village in Laos» che da 5 anni lavora sul territorio laotiano. Presteremo la nostra opera nei villaggi remoti della Provincia di Luang Prabang.

Progetto Scuola:

Quest’anno Ink for Charity Projects ha come obiettivo la costruzione di una scuola (con servizi igienici) nel villaggio di Katang Xieng e la distribuzione di filtri per depurare l'acqua in altri villaggi che visiteremo quest'anno. Due dei soci dell’associazione seguiranno personalmente i lavori in Laos a partire da Dicembre 2014 per circa 4 mesi aiutando in prima persona e documentando i lavori attraverso foto e video; inoltre verrà girato un documentario che tratterà temi come la Guerra Segreta, la società e la religione nei villaggi remoti del Laos. Anche il dott. Claudio Pardini (Presidente dell'associazione) prestera' la sua opera come medico organizzando corsi di Primo Soccorso e di Formazione per la diagnosi e la terapia delle malattie più comuni.

Il video che abbiamo caricato è stato girato nel villaggio di Hat Kham , dove abbiamo trascorso circa 3 settimane per aiutare nella costruzione dell'ampliamento di una scuola gia' esistente.

Progetto Acqua:


I filtri di depurazione sono costruiti nella Provincia di Champasak, sono economici (costano 55euro cadauno), duraturi ed altamente efficaci nel rimuovere batteri,protozoi,vermi parassiti,torbidità ed altri solidi sospesi causa di vere e proprie epidemie di dissenteria,disturbi epatici e renali nei villaggi sprovvisti di acqua potabile. Inoltre i pori del filtro di ceramica. Un solo filtro soddisfa abbondantemente il fabbisogno idrico di una famiglia di sei persone migliorandone sensibilmente lo stato di salute.


Ink for Charity is an international non-profit association which aims to develop projects and collaborate with native people of the third world. Since this year we've been collaborating with Steve Rudledge, the President of the Canadian association «Adopt a Village in Laos» which has been working for 5 years on the Laotian spot. We' ll be doing our activities in the remote villages within the area of Luang Prabang. Laos is one of the poorest countries in the world because of its involvement in the Vietnam war (1960-1975). CIA started a Secret War here (Laos was declared as a neutral country at the Geneva Conference in 1954), made of continuous air raids which are estimated as an aerial full load discharged every 8 minutes for 9 years long. Right now there are still 9 millions of unexploded explosives disseminated over the Laotian territory and it' s hard to get the rid of them because highlands are the 80% of the country.

In Laos, collaborating with the Adopt a Village Association, we’ ve been providing two things that we think they are fundamental for the progress of every country: the water and the school.

The water project:

The water filters: The water filters are built in the Champasak district, they are cheap (55Euro each) , long lasting and highly efficient in removing bacterium, protozoan, pinworm, turbidity and total suspended solids, which are the cause of real epidemic dysentery, hepatic and kidney disease in the villages unsupplied of drinking water. Just one water filter is enough to satisfy the water demand for a six people family, improving their health considerably.

The school project:

In Laos the education is provided since children are aged 6 years (6 years of elementary education, 6 years of middle school, 3 years of high school and 5-6 years of university). Actually the 70% of the children only sign up with the elementary school and in some rural area it’s not possible to get over it because either there are no high school or they’re far apart. The 2014 Ink for Charity Projects goals are to build a school (with restrooms) in the Katang Xieng village and supply water filters in other places we’ll go this year. Two members will follow the works in Laos since December 2014 for 4 months long, giving a hand in person and providing proof of the progress of the works by the means of pictures and videos. A documentary about the Secret War, the society and the religion of the remote villages of the Laos will be realized as well. Dr Claudio Pardini, President of the Ink for Charity association, will work as medical doctor arranging in person first-aid courses and education courses for the diagnosis and therapy of the common diseases.

The video uploaded was filmed in the village of Hat Kham, where we spent about 3 weeks to help in the construction of the enlargement of a school.

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