Privacy Policy | Rete del dono Skip to main content

Privacy Policy

By registering with the site, you consent to collection and storage of your personal data by Rete del Dono Srl, with a registered address at 31/a Corso Tassoni 31/a, Turin, Tax D/VAT No 10436850019, acting in the capacity of data controller (hereinafter the “Controller”), including but not limited to the following:

• in the case of physical persons, email address, address and telephone number, Tax ID No, date of birth, or information regarding payment channels such as credit card and current account numbers; • in the case of juridical persons: business name, authorised representative, email address, address and telephone number, Tax ID No/VAT No; • correspondence via the Site or to the Controller;

• any other information that the Controller might ask you to provide in order to authenticate your identity or should the Controller consider that you have violated Site rules; the Controller may also use other lawful means of collecting information for the purposes of verifying your identity;

• any other information you have provided to the Controller. The Controller hereby informs you that your personal data will be used exclusively to:

• allow you to take part in fundraising campaigns conducted through the Site;

• perform activities directly related to these;

• allow you to take part in other initiatives promoted and conducted, directly or indirectly, by the Controller; • send you information on new marketing initiatives or updates on the services offered by the Site or by third parties in the service sector, or in the areas of international cooperation, charity, or socially beneficial activities in general.

• comply with statutory obligations in accordance with Article 24 (1)(a) of Legislative Decree No 196/2003.


You must provide your personal data in order to register with the Site; should you refuse, the Controller cannot allow you to register or take part in any activities requiring registration.

You may provide your consent to personal data processing for the above-mentioned purposes. However, should you refuse, it will be impossible to contact you with updates on new services offered by third-parties operating in the service sector, or in the areas of international cooperation, charity, or socially beneficial activities in general. Manual, computerised or telematic means may be used for data processing, which shall in all cases be conducted by persons duly authorised to carry out such tasks who have been properly informed of the requirements of Legislative Decree No 196/2003, using suitable security measures ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data and protecting it from wrongful access by unauthorised personnel and third parties.

Your personal data will not be transferred or disclosed without your express consent, except as required under the law, and without prejudice to communication or disclosure required in accordance with the law by the police forces, judicial authorities, State intelligence organisations and or other public entities charged with State security or the prevention, detection or eradication of criminal activities.

The Site may link to other sites not covered by the present information Notice with different privacy polices from the present policy. Visitors are responsible for checking the privacy policy of such sites. The Controller may under no circumstances be held responsible for privacy protection methods used by other sites. In accordance with Article 7 of Legislative Decree No 196/2003, you may at any time and without charge request to know whether your personal data are being processed and have them rectified, supplemented, updated, erased or blocked. In order to exercise these rights, please contact [email protected].



Privacy Policy


