
Dublin team against cervic cancer


From Miriam, Dino, Davide e Gertrude. We will participate to the Milano Marathon relay and aim to raise funds for the following project by Spagnolli/Bazzoni Onlus.

This event aims to raise funds in aid of the Zimbabwe project to prevent the cervical cancer, which represent the first cause for teen age female death. During the last year and half the Onlus has delivered training to more than 60 doctors and nurses within Chinhoyi Hospital and provided screening equipment to the collection points. By now, 7 public hospitals and 2 missionary foundations are part of the project. We managed to screen more than 8000 women, 280 were found positive and traded with cryotherapy or surgery. As a matter of fact 280 women have been saved from death.

Spagnolli/Bazzoni onlus is the first institution in Zimbabwe which delivery these treatments free of charge and even more important this is a fully sustainable project given we teach to local doctors and nurses to perform the screening themselves.

The objective is to fight and win against the cervical cancer. Our next goal is to training other 60 doctors and nurse which should be able to delivery about 20 thousand screening.

Help us in this by donating any amount you wish. A big thanks for your support


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